847-840-6680 vcuster1@gmail.com

Adult Anxiety and Stress Management

“You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” -Martin Luther King Jr.

Adult Anxiety and Stress Management

“You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” -Martin Luther King Jr.

Are you unable to experience feelings of peace, happiness, or contentment? It may be because stress, anxiety and your anxious thoughts are getting in the way. Do you experience any of the following:

  • Fear of taking any steps or actions out of your comfort zone; inability to take steps forward in your life due to your fears
  • Being very uncomfortable in social situations
  • Consumed with worry about what people think about you, or that people are judging you
  • Constantly thinking the same things over and over
  • Having trouble focusing on work or other tasks
  • Worry about things that may not be in your control, or a feeling that you find things to worry about even when everything is ok
  • Trouble quieting your mind to fall asleep and stay asleep due to your mind racing
  • “What if” thoughts are constantly running through your mind
  • Feelings of isolation
  • Excessive worry about your job or being fired even though others may tell you your thinking is irrational
  • Feeling that your relationship is suffering due to your anxiety
  • Constantly thinking negative thoughts
  • Feeling of panic or actual experiences with panic attacks
  • Constant feelings of dread
  • Physical sensations: tingling, swearing, nausea, rapid heart rate, or heaviness feeling in your chest
  • Heightened stress about everything going on in the world
  • Feelings of depression because your anxiety is so hard to manage

Counseling can help give you some relief and improve how you feel. In our sessions, we talk about the symptoms you are experiencing, since everyone’s anxiety is different. It is very freeing to understand your own anxiety and realize it is a biological response to perceived threat. It is empowering to gain insight into the factors that may have contributed to your current level of anxiety, especially if your symptoms have gotten worse over time.

Together we will work on reducing your anxiety. I provide you with practical exercises and techniques about the things you can do on a daily basis, which I call your “anxiety management toolbox”. This knowledge allows you to practice these techniques outside of your sessions, so that they become part of the way you live your life. We also spend time discussing the role of medication, and how you can go about talking to your doctor if that makes sense for you.

Bottom line is I strongly believe that it is possible for you to live a life where you control your anxiety, and not let it not control you.

Don't Wait Any Longer.
Start Forging Your Own Path Today!

Contact me to make an appointment: Call me at 847-840-6680

Or fill out the form below: